Wednesday 2 April 2014


Most illnesses begin in the digestive tract.  It is obvious that we need to keep our digestion healthy for everything else to run like a well-oiled machine. 
You will know yourself when something is not quite right as you may feel under the weather.

Are you constipated or do you suffer bouts of diarrhoea? Perhaps you are not thinking straight or you suffer a bout of thrush.  Whatever it is, it makes sense to keep your immune system in top form.  This you can do easily by taking a dietary supplement called Oxy powder or you can alter your lifestyle.

Whatever path you should choose, you need to know that a dietary supplement can kick-start the process in a convenient way.  The powder mentioned will administer extra oxygen to your gastro intestinal tract to aid the good bacteria that are under siege.

Oxy powder
Oxy powder

These aerobic organisms as the name suggests need oxygen to proliferate whereas the anaerobic ones die off if there is too much oxygen present. 

It is very easy to throw the balance out of kilter, especially if you have been ill and were prescribed antibiotics. This modern medicine was freely dispensed as a cure all, but now our bodies are becoming resistant to it.  It also destroys most bacteria, good and bad, thus creating an imbalance.

You should have regular bowel movement to ensure that debris is expelled on a daily basis.  If this does not happen then over time your intestinal lining’s working will be impaired.  Nutrients will not be able to pass from the gut to the bloodstream effectively.  This will cause a chain reaction where the organs do not get the nutrients they should.

This in turn will lower the immune system with the result that we are susceptible to every infection under the sun.

The dietary is very easily taken with a drink that should ideally be acidic.  This will aid the oxygenating process in your bowels.  It is quite the wrong thing to grab for the laxatives as they are very abrasive.
If you would like to know more about Oxy powder please visit

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