Wednesday 2 April 2014


In our modern world we have become somewhat reliant on modern medicine to cure our winter infections or other problems.  We are now seeing the consequences of the over prescription of antibiotics over the course of many decades.

We should reserve the use of this medicine for serious cases only to stop bacteria becoming immune to its workings.  Instead we should take natural dietary supplements such as Aerobic oxygen to get us through the winter months.

If we take enough oxygen from the air we breathe, which is these days debatable, because of all the pollutants and chemicals we inhale on a daily basis, we would have no problems.  However, because of the said pollutants we would do well to take a supplement, especially in the winter months.

Aerobic oxygen
Aerobic oxygen

Oxygen keeps our cells strong and our immune system healthy.  It is also a necessary element to keep our intestines free from anaerobic bacteria overgrowths.  It does this by feeding the good bacteria so that they can recover from any imbalance, whilst killing off yeast fungi which caused the imbalance to restore intestinal health and wellbeing.

So you can see that unlike the workings of antibiotics or colonic irrigation the beneficial gut flora will be preserved. Unlike antibiotics this natural product produces no toxic side effects.

There are different ways to use this product.  You can add a few drops to your toothbrush to sterilise it or to immobilise bacteria when you are brushing your teeth.  If you suffer breathing problems or a sore throat, twenty drops added to a glass of water three times per day should clear up the problems in a few days.
People going back-packing should take this product with them to purify water in countries where sanitation is not advanced.  This supplement also removes chlorine from drinking water.

As with all products that aim to enhance the good working of the intestinal tract, you should after a few days of loose stools and perhaps having mild flu symptoms, feel energy levels rise.

Aerobic oxygen is available from

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